From 2002-2005 I wrote a column for Razorcake magazine; about ten stories in all. I also did a story for a magazine called Verbicide and had a story published in an anthology called Punch and Pie put out by Gorsky Press. Then I got lost somewhere along the line and stopped writing for nearly four years. I'd like to say why this happened, but there's no real good explanation. I found myself living in Los Angeles, somehow stumbled into becoming a union electrician, got involved in a relationship that was sometimes wonderful, but more often than not, tumultuous and far too crazy for me to take part in (a good friend of mine says I was Arturo and she was my Camilla. Any of you John Fante fans will know what that means), and well, let's just say, I forgot about music and lost touch with words. Eventually those two parts of my life resurfaced.
For me, a lot of the stories are old and yet, my memory isn't so great so sometimes their new. Often I wonder if they're made up from the figments of my imagination, was I really there? did that happen? I've done quite a bit of moving around and gone about things a little ass-backwards, but the truth is, nearly everything I've written has been taken from places and people I've known somewhere along the line. Words, no matter how well written, rarely live up to the real story, the actuality of "being there" but even a small glimpse into those other worlds, well, I figure it's my little contribution to this crazy lot called life. Enjoy.
Along with these stories I've decided to throw in the pictures of Eddie Morgan. I've been a fan of his photography for some time and like any good artist, he roams the land and toils in penniless obscurity, but I thought I'd do what little I can to spread the all mighty word. For more of his work you can go to:
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